Dandelion Extract Powder

Herbal Extract
Dandelion Extract Powder
Dandelion Extract Powder Description: Botanical source: Taraxacum officinaleExtract ratio: 10:1Aspect: fine powderColor: brown yellowOdor and taste: characteristicMesh size: NLT 95% pass through 80 meshLoss on drying: 5% max.Total aerobic count: not more than 1000cfu/gram...
Dandelion Extract Powder Description
Other Name: Dandelion Extract Powder
Botanical source: Taraxacum officinale
Extract ratio: 10:1
Aspect: fine powder
Color: brown yellow
Odor and taste: characteristic
Mesh size: NLT 95% pass through 80 mesh
Loss on drying: 5% max.
Total aerobic count: not more than 1000cfu/gram
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