Sclareolide Extract

Herbal Extract
Sclareolide P.E.
Sclareolide Extract Description: Name: Sclareolide Botanical NameSalvia sclarea L. Used PartStem and leaves Active IngredientSclareolide CAS No.564-20-5 Specification¡Ý97% GCPhysical and Chemicalproperties Appearance :White crystalline powder Melting Point:120124 ......
Sclareolide Extract Description
Other Name: Sclareolide P.E.
Name: Sclareolide
Botanical NameSalvia sclarea L.
Used PartStem and leaves
Active IngredientSclareolide
CAS No.564-20-5
Specification¡Ý97% GC
Physical and Chemicalproperties
Appearance :White crystalline powder
Melting Point:120124
Molecular Formula:C16 H26 O2
[¦Á]D25 :+46+48¡ãCH2Cl2
Odor Character:Cypress-like fragrance. Light and elegant ambergris fragrance spreads when the product is solubilized in light alcohol solutions.
Solubility:Soluble in acetone and can be prepared into solution with propylene glycol.
To promote the smell effect of the food
To keep the health of the hypothyroid and fight acne
To treat the infective diseases caused by microbes such as epiphyte and bacteria
UsageUsed to prepare first class make-ups and perfume, to blend the cigarette, to add to weight loss products, food additives
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